Corporate Social Responsibility- CSR

The term corporate social responsibility (CSR) refers to practices and policies undertaken by corporations that are intended to fulfil their social obligation to the society. The key idea behind CSR is for corporates to pursue social objectives, in addition to maximizing profits. The Government of India has made it mandatory for companies of certain defined categories to contribute part of their profit to social activities.

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India under Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 makes it mandatory for companies having a net worth of Rs 500 crore / turnover of Rs 1,000 / net profit of Rs 5 crore to spend 2% of its average net profit for in CSR Activities.

The CSR activities in Schedule VII of the Indian Companies Act 2013 defines the allowed activities for CSR Spends

Contribution to promoting education, including special education and employment enhancing vocation skills especially among children, women, elderly, and the differently abled and livelihood enhancement projects

ESSCI brings together all the stakeholders & industry, labor & the academia to develop a future ready skilled workforce for the ESDM Sector with following objectives:

    ESSCI is currently engaged with the following Entities for CSR:
  • Bharat Electronics
  • Ericsson
  • ONGC
  • Voltas
  • Yes Bank
  • NTPC
  • HPCL
  • LNG Petronet
  • IGL
  • REC
  • ACC
  • Amber
    The ESSCI strategy for the CSR programmes:
  • Bharat Electronics
  • Understand the philosophy of the Corporate entity
  • Devise and execute suitable plan as per the CSR policy & activities of the Corporate aligned to ESSCI capabilities
  • Integrate the CSR activity for Skill Development / Livelihoods for the Organization
  • Ensure monitoring and proper deployment of funds and project
  • Outcome measurement to demonstrate Social ROI on Fund Spend and Impact Assessment.
    The following process is followed in executing the strategy to achieve the desired results.
  • Building a smooth and robust replicable model for CSR activity.
  • Identifying suitable partner on Skills Training under their CSR activity
  • MoU for execution of the CSR programme as per agreed offer
  • Execution and Monitoring of the training leading to certification
  • Rehabilitation / support for employability /
  • Outcome measurement and success evaluation including Impact Assessment
    Service offering
  • PIA as a Skill Development Agent
  • Assessment and Certification, including Online
  • Project Consultants
  • Project Monitoring Consultants
  • Impact Assessment
  • E-Learning training providers
  • Virtual Training

Mobilise trainees from extreme distressed segments of poor to handhold for skilling and enhancing their livelihoods.