Electronic Industries Association of India
ELCINA was established in 1967 when India’s Electronics industry was still in its infancy. Since then, ELCINA has been well known as an interactive forum for electronics and IT manufacturers. Apart from the basic objective of promoting hardware manufacturing through active representation and advice to the Government, ELCINA has been networking with national and international technical institutions and business promotion bodies to further the interests of its members. Today, in an increasingly liberalized environment, there is greater focus on professional and value-added services rendered by the Association to the Electronics and IT Community.
Address: ELCINA House, 422 Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase III, New Delhi, INDIA-110020
Tel : +91 (011) 26924597, 26928053 | Fax : 26923440, E-mail : info@elcina.com, Website: https://elcina.com/

India Electronics & Semiconductor Association
IESA is the premier trade body representing the Indian Electronic System Design and Manufacturing ESDM industry and has represented it since 2005. It has over 180 members -both domestic and multinational enterprises. IESA is committed towards building global awareness for the Indian ESDM industry and supporting its growth through focused initiatives in developing the ecosystem. This is through publishing credible data, networking events and alliances with other international associations. IESA works closely with the Government as a knowledge partner on the sector, both at the center and at the state level.
Address: No 16, Kensington Road Cross Ulsoor, Beside Millenia Tower (Philips Building), Bengaluru 560 008. India. Phone: +91 80-4540-6100, Email info@iesaonline.org, Website https://iesaonline.org/

Consumer Electronics and Appliances Manufacturers Association
Consumer Electronics and Appliances Manufacturers Association is an all India organization in the Consumer Electronics and Durables sector. It has been in existence for over 33 years. Presently, there are about 100 members.
Address: F-4 / 23, 4th Floor, Wave 1st Silver Tower Sector – 18 Noida – 201 301 (UP)
Phone : +91 120 4265697, Email
info@ceama.in, Website: https://ceama.in/

Manufacturer’s Association for Information Technology
Set up in 1982 for purposes of scientific, educational and IT Industry promotion, MAIT has emerged as an effective, influential and dynamic organization. Representing Hardware, Training, R & amp; D & Hardware Design and other associated service segments of the Indian IT Industry, MAIT’s charter is to develop a globally competitive Indian IT Industry, promote the usage of IT in India, strengthen the role of IT in national economic development, promote business through international alliances, promote quality consciousness in the IT Industry and transform the Indian IT Industry into a World Scale Industry leading to a World Class Usage and thus a world size market.
Address: Ramakrishna Dalmia Wing, 4th Floor, PHD House, 4/2, Siri Institutional Area, August Kranti Marg, New Delhi 110 016, India
Tel : +91-11-2685 5487, 4287 8418 | Fax# : +91-11-2685 1321, Email :
contact@mait.com , Website: https://www.mait.com/

Electrical Lamp and Component Manufacturers Association of India
On 29th June, 1970, the electric lamps and components manufacturers in India founded ‘Electric Lamp and Component Manufacturers Association of India – (ElCOMA)’ representing the entire lighting industry. The main purpose founding members had in mind was to establish liaison with government bodies and to support each other in matters connected with lighting industry.
Address: 202, DLF Tower A, Jasola, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi 110025 (India)
Tel: +91-11-41556644 | Fax: +91-11-46577582, Email :
Website: http://www.elcomaindia.com/

Indian Printed Circuit Association
The Indian Printed Circuit Association popularly known as IPCA, had its humble beginning in the year 1985 when a few leading PCB technocrats met at Bombay with proclaimed preamble promote the interests and welfare of PCB industry and allied industries in general. Thus a new chapter in the history of PCB industry in this country emerged with IPCA at the helm of affairs under the able leadership of its Founder-President Dr. Venkatachalam, MD of HI-Q Electronics, Hosur, and the founder Secretary, Mr. R.K. Singh, then from ECIL, Hyderabad.
Address: No. 2711, First Floor, 2nd Main, HAL 3rd Stage, New Thippasandra, Bangalore- 560 075, India.
Tel: +91 80 2521 0109, +91 80 2521 0309 | Fax : +91 80 2528 2288 , Email :
ipca@ipcaindia.org , Website: https://www.ipcapcb.org/